Monday, 16 January 2012

Pot luck BBQ this weekend

Don't forget that this Saturday, there is a pot luck BBQ and salads night at the club.
Come along and socialise with other members at Happy Hour, enjoy a BBQ and finish off with a swim or spa.
Now that the weather has improved, there could be some visitors at the club as well, so make sure you come along for the first organised function of the New Year.
Hear about Pat and Barry's time at the rally. Tell everyone about your Christmas holidays and how you filled in the time in the rain!
Did anyone have any experiences over the holidays that might be of interest to the other club members? Barry would love some news snippets for his newsletter I am sure.
So make sure that you come along to the club and catch up with other members over the weekend.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Now that the sunshine has finally arrived...

...why not pop out to the club and enjoy that wonderful BOP sunshine!
We have a lot of visitors booked in over the next few months, so why not join them at the club and show them some BOPSC hospitatlity.