Monday, 30 April 2012

Queen's (actual) Birthday celebrations at BOPSC

Thirteen people enjoyed celebrating the Queen's birthday at our Right Royal Banquet last weekend. It was nice to see some of our newer members join us for the meal and a spa.
The next pot luck dinner will be the night before the AGM (May 19th), so come along and maybe stay the night. The club will provide some nibbles for Happy Hour and some wine with dinner and the spa will be on.
The committee meeting will be held at 10am on Sunday 20th and the AGM will start at 1pm. This will be a very important AGM with several remits to consider so it is imperative that as many members come along as possible. The future direction of your club could depend on this AGM.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

A Right Royal Banquet

Don't forget that this weekend, to celebrate Queen Elizabeth's actual birthday, the BOP Sun Club will be holding a feast good enough for royalty. Well it is actually a pot luck dinner, but the food at the BOP Sun Club is always fit for a King (or Queen)!
Bring along something royal, regal or just downright tasty to share with the other members. It will be a good chance to get together before the very important AGM next month. These social events are always good for sharing views and opinions with fellow members over a drink or meal.
Just remember to leave the corgis at home!