It was a well fought challenge for the Phoenix Shield between the Bay of Plenty Sun Club and Waikato Outdoor Society over the weekend. Five members of Bay of Plenty Naturists (who didn't belong to BOPSC or WOS) also helped out the BOPSC team. The theme was retro (50s, 60s and 70s), and some games certainly took us back to our childhood schoolyards.
There was hopscotch

skipping and 4 square, which were all much easier to do when we were young!
Car racing was a lot of fun for all, especially as we got to eat our lolly cars after the race.
Remember the hula hoop - well the only ones who could wiggle their hips to do that were the young ones - and I mean really young ones (and one young Mum)!
After a hamburger dinner at Dave's Diner, a night of nostalgia followed with LP records belting out music from the era.
The outcome of the weekend was that BOP Sun Club won the shield back from WOS 9-6. So until next year when WOS will visit BOPSC for another challenge, the shield will remain in the Bay of Plenty.