We had a really good turnout for our Christmas party with over thirty members enjoying the wonderfully sunny day.
The pool got a good workout, with many enjoying splashing around to cool off. This gave us a good opportunity to get some great photos that will soon grace our new web page.
Our new umbrellas gave us a shady spot where we could socialise for afternoon tea and happy hour.
Inside the clubhouse, the tables were beautifully decorated by a member for the Christmas dinner. The committee provided the meats for our Christmas meal with members providing veges, salads or dessert.
After the meal, our festivities continued with the usual 'pressi swap', which saw several presents change hands in the light-hearted spirit of the occasion.
The committee of the Bay of Plenty Sun Club would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and happy and healthy New Year.
Sunday, 16 December 2012
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Phoenix Shield heads back to the Bay of Plenty Sun Club
It was a well fought challenge for the Phoenix Shield between the Bay of Plenty Sun Club and Waikato Outdoor Society over the weekend. Five members of Bay of Plenty Naturists (who didn't belong to BOPSC or WOS) also helped out the BOPSC team. The theme was retro (50s, 60s and 70s), and some games certainly took us back to our childhood schoolyards.
There was hopscotch
skipping and 4 square, which were all much easier to do when we were young!
The standard petanque, croquet and golf were more conducive for some of us.
Car racing was a lot of fun for all, especially as we got to eat our lolly cars after the race.
Remember the hula hoop - well the only ones who could wiggle their hips to do that were the young ones - and I mean really young ones (and one young Mum)!
After a hamburger dinner at Dave's Diner, a night of nostalgia followed with LP records belting out music from the era.
The outcome of the weekend was that BOP Sun Club won the shield back from WOS 9-6. So until next year when WOS will visit BOPSC for another challenge, the shield will remain in the Bay of Plenty.
Sunday, 4 November 2012
Phoenix Shield this weekend
This weekend the Bay of Plenty Sun Club are heading over the hill to Waikato Outdoor Society for the annual Phoenix Shield challenge. This year, the theme is the '50s, '60s and '70s. Think retro games - I don't know what - maybe hula hoops, hop scotch, and other playground games. I am sure what ever is in store, everyone will have a fun time.
Dave's Diner will provide meals for dinner on Saturday night and it will be an 'I remember when...' evening. Book your meal with WOS on waikato.outdoor@gonatural.co.nz
The BOP Sun Club needs all the support we can muster so come along and help us retrieve the shield we lost last year. PLEASE!
Dave's Diner will provide meals for dinner on Saturday night and it will be an 'I remember when...' evening. Book your meal with WOS on waikato.outdoor@gonatural.co.nz
The BOP Sun Club needs all the support we can muster so come along and help us retrieve the shield we lost last year. PLEASE!
Monday, 22 October 2012
Visitor weekend - a good turnout at Bay of Plenty Sun Club
The Bay of Plenty Sun Club hosted 30 people over Labour Weekend, with members being joined by fellow naturists from WOS, NZ Naturists and BOP Naturists as well as some day visitors from Rotorua, Kawerau and Tauranga.
Our visitors really enjoyed the company of the members staying on the grounds and our new caretaker did a great job showing the visitors around. It was good to see other members call in, even if just for the afternoon. On Saturday night we had a BYO BBQ and after that, some Wii games and sjoelen, which were provided by members. Those present had a turn at one or the other (or both) and some people stayed up late to watch the rugby.
Sunday was a good day to stay inside for the committee meeting or to watch a movie. Others just blobbed out with a good book or had a nap.
On Monday morning, our naked chefs cooked us breakfast on the BBQ. Fresh farm eggs were provided by one member and some of our visitors provided the bacon and hash browns. Sitting outside in the sunny BBQ area in club uniform while other parts of the country had snow and cold temperatures made us all realise that we really are lucky to be in the sunny Bay of Plenty .
Thursday, 11 October 2012
Labour Weekend (20-22 October) at the Bay of Plenty Sun Club
The Bay of Plenty Sun Club will be holding a visitor weekend each day of Labour Weekend as part of the NZ Naturist Federation's 'gonatural Week'. Anyone who is interested in naturism is welcome to come along to find out more about this healthy lifestyle, without any obligation to join or disrobe.
We will have a BYO BBQ dinner on Saturday night and a bush walk either Saturday afternoon or Sunday afternoon. Sports equipment will be available for anyone wanting to play miniten, petanque, golf, etc. In the evening there will be Wii games and a slideshow will be running of some members' recent naturist holiday in Australia and Thailand.
Our new pool solar heating system is up and running so who will be first into the pool for the season?
If you are interested in coming along, please phone the club on 0274405157 for more details or visit the club website: www.gonatural.co.nz/BOPSun
Sunday, 12 August 2012
Mini-Olympics at BOP Sun Club
What a great night we had for our pot luck dinner and indoor games evening last weekend. Not only did we hold our own mini-Olympics, but we also watched Lisa Carrington, a local BOP canoeist from Ohope win the canoe sprint to give NZ its fifth gold medal at the Olympics.
We started with happy hour before one of our famous pot luck dinners. As usual, there was plenty of food and plenty of camaraderie. After dinner, we played sjoelen, darts and Wii games, including archery, 10-pin bowling and tennis. Who said that computer games weren’t strenuous! One member really got up a sweat playing tennis on the Wii. Some of the newer members tried their hand at sjoelen, with one beating the previous champion. The evening finished with a few members playing darts.
It was a great night of socialising on a golden night for the Bay of Plenty . As well, Sarah Walker from Kawerau, just down the road, won silver in the BMX a day before! It just goes to show that we are great sports in the Bay of Plenty .
Thursday, 9 August 2012
Pot luck dinner and indoor games evening
Come along to the club this weekend (11-12 August) for our indoor games evening.
Starting with the mandatory Happy hour, and followed by a pot luck dinner, this is a great chance to get together with the other members of the club beside the roaring fire.
Then, try out some new games. An old game from Europe called sjoelen is a lot of fun. Then come into the modern era and try your hand at Wii sports such as 10 pin bowling, tennis and many more. Of course there will also be darts to complete the evenings entertainment.
On Sunday, it is time for the committee meeting at 10am so members are welcome to come along to that and see what the committee is doing on your behalf.
See you there!
Saturday, 21 July 2012
Mid-winter Christmas dinner
We had a great night at the Asian Fusion restaurant in Papamoa for the BOP Sun Club's mid-winter Christmas dinner. The turnout was fantastic for the middle of winter when a lot of people just want to stay home and keep warm. Twenty-four people shared a meal and had a good night socialising with fellow club members as well as a few from BOP Naturists who don't belong to the club.
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
Weekend in Rotorua - Part 3 Around the lakes
After warming up in the hot pools, eight of the group arrived at a campsite by Lake Rerewhakaaitu for the night. Happy hour was convened beside the picture perfect lake as the sun went down.
The next day, we toured around Lake Rerewhakaaitu , stopping off at the DOC camps on the shores of the lake. At the Ashpit Road camp, we searched for a ‘geocache’. Sadly we didn’t find it so continued on with the idea of having lunch, followed by a walk at ‘The Redwoods’. However there was a national cycling and kayaking event on there with the subsequent large number of vehicles – so to plan B (conceived as we sat in the traffic jam)! The lunch stop would now be Blue Lake .
After lunch, we decided to walk around the lake – a walk of 1½ hours, and then headed to our overnight camp on the shores of Lake Okareka . Here we watched the sun go down and the moon come up, making good use of the DOC shelter on the shores of the lake for happy hour.
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Weekend in Rotorua - Part 2 'hot and cold' pools
After our trek up Rainbow Mountain, we went to the local 'hot and cold' pools in the Waiotapu thermal area. When we arrived and announced that we were naturists, the textiles already there left us to it, even though we decided to wear togs. Actually they were quite interested in us, as were some local children, who insisted that we put the local clay on our faces as they had done.
It was amazing how in a situation like that, out in the bush soaking in the hot pool, how friendly people were, all chatting to us. In a public swimming pool, that wouldn't be as likely to happen.
Another local resident, a huge rat, had discovered Peter's fruit and was busily trying to gnaw its way into his bag. So all in all, the locals were very friendly!The pools lived up to their name, running and bubbling hot and cold. According to Peter and some other locals, the pools were definitely colder than normal. However, just by moving to another spot, the warm water returned to warm us up before we headed off to Lake Rerewhakaaitu for the night.
Monday, 4 June 2012
Our long weekend visit to Rotorua - Part 1 Rainbow Mountain
It was a great weekend in Rotorua for the BOP Sun Club’s outing, which included a walk up Rainbow Mountain, a hot swim at the ‘hot and cold’ pools, camping at Lake Rerewhakaaitu, a walk around Blue Lake (Tikitapu), camping at Lake Okareka and finishing with a walk around Hamurana Springs.
Volcanic Plateau from the summit of Rainbow Mountain |
We started by meeting at Rainbow Mountain where sixteen keen walkers set off up the mountain on a foggy morning. But above the fog was blue sky and those who got to the top said it was actually warm enough to get their gear off for a photo (and longer). The view from above the fog was clear and extended as far as the snow capped Mt Ruapehu!
At the top of Rainbow Mountain |
Crater Lake - Rainbow Mountain |
Monday, 28 May 2012
Rainbow Mountain outing
The BOP Sun Club is going to Rotorua this Saturday for a walk up Rainbow Mountain (or the shorter less strenuous Crater Lake). Meet at the Rainbow Mountain carpark (on SH5 just past the SH38 turnoff to Murupara) about 11am Saturday for an early lunch before doing the walks.
We will stay at one of the DOC camps in Brett Road, Lake Rerewhakaaitu (the larger one) on Saturday night ($6pp), go for a hot swim at Kerosene Creek (bring your togs just in case) and maybe if the weather is suitable go for a walk at The Redwoods or Lake Okareka on Sunday. If the weather is unsuitable for walking, we may stay at Waikite where there are hot pools (togs needed for the main pool - if staying, unlimited use of the main pools is included in the overnight charge, although they do have private pools). http://www.hotpools.co.nz/
If the weather is really bad, we will still be going but will look at more indoor events in Rotorua, so the plans will be dependent on the weather. If you can't find us but would like to join in, phone me on the BOP Sun Club phone on 027 440 5157.
Sunday, 20 May 2012
New committee sworn in!
As you can see, the BOP Sun Club has a new committee after the AGM and are raring to go with some innovative ideas to progress the club through to 2013.
It was great to see our five brand new members come along as well and to offer some good ideas to help revitalise the club. One has already offered to revamp our web page and another has offered to help out with lawn mowing. WOW - we love these new guys!!
The new committee has taken on board some suggestions from other members too and in the near future, there will be some exciting events to which members of other clubs would be welcome to join us at as well. WATCH THIS SPACE!
Monday, 14 May 2012
AGM this weekend
A reminder that the coming weekend is one of the most important weekends on the club calendar, so it would be nice to see ALL members come along.
On Saturday, the club will provide nibbles at Happy Hour, followed by Another Great Meal about 6pm. Please bring a dish to share for this pot luck dinner. The club will supplement the meal with complimentary wine.
On Sunday morning, the current committee will meet for the final time at 10am and at 1pm, the AGM will commence. This meeting is very important as it will determine the course that the club will take over the next 12 months. As you can see there are a few spare seats at the committee table! It would be nice if some members would consider taking a more active role in club affairs by putting themselves forward for the committee roles, rather than leaving it to those who have held these positions for many years. Some of these people deserve a break and some new blood is always a good idea. We need some new ideas from new faces to take us into the coming year - a year when we will face more challenges as the season progresses.
We are also looking for a caretaker to live on the grounds for the summer months, so if any members are interested in taking on this role or you know of anyone who might be interested, let a committee member know.
See you ALL at the AGM.
Monday, 30 April 2012
Queen's (actual) Birthday celebrations at BOPSC
Thirteen people enjoyed celebrating the Queen's birthday at our Right Royal Banquet last weekend. It was nice to see some of our newer members join us for the meal and a spa.
The next pot luck dinner will be the night before the AGM (May 19th), so come along and maybe stay the night. The club will provide some nibbles for Happy Hour and some wine with dinner and the spa will be on.
The committee meeting will be held at 10am on Sunday 20th and the AGM will start at 1pm. This will be a very important AGM with several remits to consider so it is imperative that as many members come along as possible. The future direction of your club could depend on this AGM.
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
A Right Royal Banquet
Don't forget that this weekend, to celebrate Queen Elizabeth's actual birthday, the BOP Sun Club will be holding a feast good enough for royalty. Well it is actually a pot luck dinner, but the food at the BOP Sun Club is always fit for a King (or Queen)!
Bring along something royal, regal or just downright tasty to share with the other members. It will be a good chance to get together before the very important AGM next month. These social events are always good for sharing views and opinions with fellow members over a drink or meal.
Just remember to leave the corgis at home!
Sunday, 18 March 2012
BOP Naturists Mystery Weekend
Thank you BOP Sun Club for hosting the BOP Naturists Mystery Weekend. About a dozen members of the BOP Naturists group who did not belong to the club made their first visit to the club grounds and joined another dozen or so club members.
Special thanks to Peter and Sharron for taking us all on the walk, and to Jenny for taking the group visitors on a walk through the bush tracks at the club. Thanks to Rien for showing us all how to play Sjoelen and Kim, a new member, who brought along a new card game 'Sabouteur' which we all enjoyed. Also thanks to all other members of the club who helped make the weekend a success.
Thanks also to the members of the club for not spilling the beans regarding the location of the Mystery Weekend. It certainly showed what a great team effort it was from the club members to make the visitors feel welcome.Sunday, 4 March 2012
Weather Bombs and Open Days
It was a lovely weekend for our open days. Although the weather forecast of a weather bomb may have been the spoiler for Saturday, turning a lot of visitors off coming, those who did still had a lovely time relaxing a our beautiful club grounds.
Despite some areas around the country getting hammered by the storm, we had no rain to speak of on Saturday, and only a few occasional wind gusts. But Sunday was brilliant.
We had three visitors come along and an application from a new couple. But what was really great was the turnout from our own members, who stayed at the grounds for the weekend to support the club and welcome the visitors.
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Come along to our Open Weekend
Although the forecast isn't looking that good for Saturday, we will still be at the BOP Sun Club for their open weekend. The clubhouse is warm and cosy and the spa will be on. It will be a good chance to meet up with the members, play some board games or just chill out. You can also see the great facilities that the BOP Sun Club has, including a great covered outdoor BBQ area.
The forecast for Sunday is better if you want to come just for the day. Special discounted membership deals for new members, and all visitors will get a free goody bag. A free lunchtime sausage sizzle will be provided for all.
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Open weekend
On 3-4 March, the BOP Sun Club will be holding an open day at their club grounds, 430 Manawahe Road, Matata (GPS Ref: 37o55’S, 176o44’E).
Anyone interested in the naturist lifestyle is welcome to attend. Families especially welcome.
There is no obligation to join or disrobe. Free lunchtime BBQ and 'goody bags'.
Bush walks, swim in the pool or take a spa. Play petanque, mini-golf or try miniten (the naturists version of tennis), or just relax. Children's play area.
Pool party late afternoon. BYO drinks and food for a BBQ later on.
Special discounted subscriptions for new members (conditions apply).
Phone 027 440 5157 or email: bopsc@gonatural.co.nz for more information.
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Have you answered your President's questions yet?
Recently, Barry, President of the Bay of Plenty Sun Club, asked all members to reply to a questionnaire regarding the club's future direction. Have you all completed this questionnaire? If not, please send your replies to Col, the Secretary on bopsc@gonatural.co.nz or by snail mail (anonymously if you like) to PO Box 476, Whakatane. The next committee meeting is on 11 March so replies should be received by Wednesday 7 March.
Monday, 16 January 2012
Pot luck BBQ this weekend
Come along and socialise with other members at Happy Hour, enjoy a BBQ and finish off with a swim or spa.
Now that the weather has improved, there could be some visitors at the club as well, so make sure you come along for the first organised function of the New Year.
Hear about Pat and Barry's time at the rally. Tell everyone about your Christmas holidays and how you filled in the time in the rain!
Did anyone have any experiences over the holidays that might be of interest to the other club members? Barry would love some news snippets for his newsletter I am sure.
So make sure that you come along to the club and catch up with other members over the weekend.
Now that the weather has improved, there could be some visitors at the club as well, so make sure you come along for the first organised function of the New Year.
Hear about Pat and Barry's time at the rally. Tell everyone about your Christmas holidays and how you filled in the time in the rain!
Did anyone have any experiences over the holidays that might be of interest to the other club members? Barry would love some news snippets for his newsletter I am sure.
So make sure that you come along to the club and catch up with other members over the weekend.
Friday, 13 January 2012
Now that the sunshine has finally arrived...
We have a lot of visitors booked in over the next few months, so why not join them at the club and show them some BOPSC hospitatlity.
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