A reminder that the coming weekend is one of the most important weekends on the club calendar, so it would be nice to see ALL members come along.
On Saturday, the club will provide nibbles at Happy Hour, followed by Another Great Meal about 6pm. Please bring a dish to share for this pot luck dinner. The club will supplement the meal with complimentary wine.
On Sunday morning, the current committee will meet for the final time at 10am and at 1pm, the AGM will commence. This meeting is very important as it will determine the course that the club will take over the next 12 months. As you can see there are a few spare seats at the committee table! It would be nice if some members would consider taking a more active role in club affairs by putting themselves forward for the committee roles, rather than leaving it to those who have held these positions for many years. Some of these people deserve a break and some new blood is always a good idea. We need some new ideas from new faces to take us into the coming year - a year when we will face more challenges as the season progresses.
We are also looking for a caretaker to live on the grounds for the summer months, so if any members are interested in taking on this role or you know of anyone who might be interested, let a committee member know.
See you ALL at the AGM.
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