Monday, 28 May 2012

Rainbow Mountain outing

The BOP Sun Club is going to Rotorua this Saturday for a walk up Rainbow Mountain (or the shorter less strenuous Crater Lake). Meet at the Rainbow Mountain carpark (on SH5 just past the SH38 turnoff to Murupara) about 11am Saturday for an early lunch before doing the walks.
We will stay at one of the DOC camps in Brett Road, Lake Rerewhakaaitu (the larger one) on Saturday night ($6pp), go for a hot swim at Kerosene Creek (bring your togs just in case) and maybe if the weather is suitable go for a walk at The Redwoods or Lake Okareka on Sunday. If the weather is unsuitable for walking, we may stay at Waikite where there are hot pools (togs needed for the main pool - if staying, unlimited use of the main pools is included in the overnight charge, although they do have private pools).
If the weather is really bad, we will still be going but will look at more indoor events in Rotorua, so the plans will be dependent on the weather. If you can't find us but would like to join in, phone me on the BOP Sun Club phone on 027 440 5157.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

New committee sworn in!

As you can see, the BOP Sun Club has a new committee after the AGM and are raring to go with some innovative ideas to progress the club through to 2013.
It was great to see our five brand new members come along as well and to offer some good ideas to help revitalise the club. One has already offered to revamp our web page and another has offered to help out with lawn mowing. WOW - we love these new guys!!
The new committee has taken on board some suggestions from other members too and in the near future, there will be some exciting events to which  members of other clubs would be welcome to join us at as well. WATCH THIS SPACE!

Monday, 14 May 2012

AGM this weekend

A reminder that the coming weekend is one of the most important weekends on the club calendar, so it would be nice to see ALL members come along.
On Saturday, the club will provide nibbles at Happy Hour, followed by Another Great Meal about 6pm. Please bring a dish to share for this pot luck dinner. The club will supplement the meal with complimentary wine.  
On Sunday morning, the current committee will meet for the final time at 10am and at 1pm, the AGM will commence. This meeting is very important as it will determine the course that the club will take over the next 12 months. As you can see there are a few spare seats at the committee table! It would be nice if some members would consider taking a more active role in club affairs by putting themselves forward for the committee roles, rather than leaving it to those who have held these positions for many years. Some of these people deserve a break and some new blood is always a good idea. We need some new ideas from new faces to take us into the coming year - a year when we will face more challenges as the season progresses. 
We are also looking for a caretaker to live on the grounds for the summer months, so if any members are interested in taking on this role or you know of anyone who might be interested, let a committee member know.
See you ALL at the AGM.